That Currently Plagues Your Swin

You'll Discover Remedies For Everything 
That Currently Plagues Your Swing
 Incredible golfsense swing easy

 Incredible golfsense swing easy

 Incredible golfsense swing easy.If you are pulling, pushing, hooking, slicing, topping, or shanking… I’ll show you every escape route.  There’s no need to guess what might be causing these embarrassments because I’ll always take you back to your perfect swing.

And there’s no need to read The Easy Golf Swing System from beginning to end.  Just reference the section you want to work on, turn to the page and solve your problem. 

After a short time of using The Easy Golf Swing System it will become second nature and instead of wondering how you hit a good shot – you’ll know because there will be an 

immediate recognition of what you did and what you imagined when you read the technique.
(You'll soon feel what it's like to "pure" the ball!)

This process locks the “good stuff” into your play, and your improvement will be nothing short of exponential – regardless of whether you're a beginner or a veteran. 

Time-Tested, Result Producing Tips And Drills 
That’ll Shape Your Perfect Swing

I’ve included numerous tips, drills, and mini-shortcuts that will train your body and mind to swing perfectly.  Most of these require only a few minutes of your time to correct a problem that is causing you stress or embarrassment.

Most players have a tendency to gravitate to one problem or another.  Incorporating certain drills into your regular conditioning for a period will banish these annoyances from your game forever. 

The key, however, is identifying the true source of the problem in the first place.  You can chase your tail for years if don’t correctly diagnose the problem at the beginning.  I’ll walk you through the common problems and mistakes and exactly how to identify if it’s happening to you.

Now let me tell you something else I’d like to send you with your risk free trial of The Easy Golf Swing System...

When Tiger Woods Was Asked What His Biggest Asset 
To His Game Was, Without Hesitation He Replied: "MY MIND"

I’m going to show you how to unlock your best game – without ever stepping on the course!

These are the most effective mental techniques which most amateur golfers know almost 
nothing about yet they are responsible for nearly every professional golfer’s success.

These mental control techniques are incredibly easy to master – if you can spare 5 minutes a day. The best part is you can do them anywhere – at home, or on your lunch hour, or before you fall asleep at night. 

Total Focus... Only Better

These are not your typical relaxation and visualization techniques where you feel like you’re ultimately wasting your time.

Think of your focusing ability on steroids and you’ll start to understand the overwhelming effect that these mental control techniques will have on your game.


As a long-time golfer with a single-digit handicap, I'm not easily impressed by books that attempt to teach the elements of a solid, effective golf swing. However, 'The Easy Golf System,' is an exception.

With its clear, concise, step-by-step description of everything from the basic golf grips to the mechanics of a fluid and repeatable golf swing, 'The Easy Golf System' is a winner.

This book is not only for newcomers to the great game of golf. It also addresses common swing problems like hooks, slices and, dare I say it, the dreaded shanks, and how to overcome them. It also contains a number of swing drills and tips on how to get the most out of your time on the practice range.

If you're new to the game, or looking to improve your game (and maybe impress your golfing buddies,) 'The Easy Golf System' is a great way to start.

-Michael McBride

 Incredible golfsense swing easy

If you want to play two or three times better – this is one of the quickest ways to do it.

Think about it. Your mind tells your body how to swing. It tells every muscle and fiber which way to twist, with how much pressure, with how much speed. It all has to come together physically… but only your mind can give this unified command.

So if you want to play better – it only makes good sense to learn how to use your mental power.

I understand why you might think I’m exaggerating the power of your mind to play better golf. Though everyone admits golf is both a mental and physical game – very few golfers actually program their mind for optimum performance.

One of Bobby Jones most famous quotes is:

"Golf Is A Game Played On A Five-And-A-Half Inch Course... 
The Space Between Your Ears."

Magazines like to print pictures of pretty swings and articles filled with tips and drills. This is the stuff that sells… but it’s not the shortest route to better golf scores.

Of all the things you can do to improve your game - be it the driving range, putting practice, or private coaching – mental control will shave off the strokes faster than anything.

You don’t have to have done this before in order for it to work either.

In fact, after just one week at just 5 minutes per day, you’ll see improvements to your game.

 It’s been my experience that golfers who consistently spend 5 minutes a day using these mental control techniques, improve their games at an alarming rate.

Learn The Secrets To Improve Your Game... 
No Matter How Little You "Physically" Practice!

Most players improve their game via physical practice and instruction. I am the first one to agree that this is a necessary part of becoming a better player. However, countless hours of practice and instruction (lessons, videos, books) are wasted unless your mind is along for the ride.

Simply put, mental control is the fuel for an extraordinary game of golf.

The problem is, because it’s hardly ever taught in a concrete, easy-to-follow manner – most players never get the chance to unlock this power.

I’ll show you exactly how to program your mind for optimum golf performance in my 12 page Special Report, Golf Pro Mental-Control Techniques For Automatic Golf Success: Mastering The Mental Game.

You see, I’ve been talking to pros for years. “How do you get into that zone?” I ask them. Sometimes it takes a little pestering to get them to answer. I understand this completely because it can be a very private experience – which is probably the real reason you don’t hear about these techniques.

However, after gaining their trust, they most often give me the goods.

The techniques you’ll find in this report are the best of the best. They’re easy to perform, and have quick results.

Without Exception, Anyone – Beginner Or Veteran - Who Used
These Techniques To Reach “The Zone” Was Surprised And 
Very Pleased By The Great Improvements In Their Golf Game

Truly an amazing golf book for the beginner to the more advanced. Step by step instructions with detailed graphics. If you cannot lower your handicap with the tips and tricks detailed in this book, then you must be reading the wrong book.

Inspirational, lowered my handicap from 20 to 16.

Geoff Foggon

The information in your system is AWESOME! For the first time ever I understand what I’m doing in my golf swing that creates the good (and bad) shots. Your information is so easy to understand and it works just like you said it would.

Since using your system I have dropped 9 strokes and can now control the ball better than ever. For the last 10 years I have been shooting in the mid to high 80’s, and for the first time the other day I went out and broke 80.
The scores I’m shooting now are great, but the best part is I’m now beating the pants off  my buddies on a consistent basis. I hardly ever pay for drinks after the round anymore.

I can't thank you enough for this information
Oh, I almost forgot, you has added 25 yards to my drives!


Rod McNeal

This book is very easy to understand and straight-forward in its approach
to explaining a very difficult game. I recommend anyone work on their personal golf game a little bit at a time using this product as a solid reference.

Daryl Daughtry

I wanted to write to tell you just how much your “Easy Golf Swing System” has improved my game. 

I’ve only been playing for about 3 years now and I’ve had more progress in the last month with your system than in the last 3 years.

Right now I only am able to get out about twice a week for 9 holes. Before using your instruction I was averaging 52 strokes for 9 holes, so breaking 100 was my first goal. Now I’m averaging about 46 for 9 holes. I completely annihilated my goal of breaking 100 by 10 strokes! I can’t wait to get out and consistently break 90 now!

I’ll keep you updated on my progress.

Thanks again,
Bill Shoemaker

Hi Scott,

Thank you for creating this book, I have read a lot of golf instruction guides in my 17 years of playing the sport and I have to say that I am very impressed. I was finally able to correctly align my shots after following your advice. I believe this book will be invaluable to beginners and will also be a useful tool for veteran golfers alike.

Douglas Munsie

 Incredible golfsense swing easy

There isn’t a mental control report out there like this one – directly from the minds of golf professionals. And if you were to hire someone in the field – you’d pay thousands to learn these same techniques.

However, if you’ll join me for a risk-free trial of The Easy Golf Swing System, you can have Golf Pro Mental-Control Techniques For Automatic Golf Success: Mastering The Mental Game absolutely free.

I realize that “mental control” sounds like a far out way of radically improving your game. In a way, it is. It may not be for you. I can’t say for sure because I don’t know anything about you.

That’s why – even though I’ve never seen these techniques fail to improve scores – I want to make sure you are completely comfortable with it.
Here’s what I mean…

Give my The Easy Golf Swing System a try today and I’ll give you Golf Pro Mental-Control

Techniques For Automatic Golf Success: Mastering The Mental Game FREE! If you don’t like it, no problem. Let me know before 60 days are up and I’ll refund every cent. No 

questions, no quibbling. Just let me know you’re not happy before 60 days expire and I’ll refund every penny.

Here's My Bullet-Proof Guarantee To You:

"If For Any Reason At All You Don't Feel Like I've Over-Delivered... I'll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back, And You Can Keep Everything For FREE" (Maybe One Of Your Friends Can Use It)

I’m so sure that The Easy Golf Swing System will provide you with the results that you’re looking for that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is for a full 60 days.

That’s right, you have a full 2 months to try out this system. And if in any way you feel that this comprehensive guide fell short of your expectations, (even if you don't like a certain part of it), all you have to do is let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money.

And I'll want you to go ahead and keep the book and all the bonuses! All I ask is that you give it an honest try.

Fair enough?

 Incredible golfsense swing easy

Discover How To Play All Your Golf For Free!

This might seem like an absurd idea to you but hear me out.

I see players from all walks and all income levels doing this more and more – not merely to reduce the expense of golf, but often because they love the game so much.

The great thing is, hardly anyone pays attention to this wide-open opportunity. Few golfers even know it exists – and even fewer know how to capitalize on it. It’s an opportunity well worth your consideration.

I’ve put everything you need to know about this well kept secret into a report aptly named 

The Play Golf Free Report. It’s 24 pages that tells you exactly how to immediately take advantage and play golf for free or get paid to play the game you love.

And no, you don’t have to be a seasoned pro to do this. In fact, average players make excellent candidates. Best of all, you can do this a little or a lot, depending on your situation –

 it’s completely up to you how much free or paid golf you’d like to enjoy.

When you receive your risk free trial of The Easy Golf Swing System I’ll send you The Play 

Golf Free Report absolutely free of charge.

Here’s what you’ll get:


The Easy Golf Swing System. 84 pages of proven methods to achieve the perfect swing in the shortest time possible – guaranteed. Amaze yourself (and friends) with how quickly you’ll be cranking big drives with more accuracy. You will never need any other instruction – an invaluable resource that will continue to improve your game year after year.
Golf Pro Mental-Control Techniques For Automatic Golf Success: Mastering The Mental Game. These mental techniques are the fastest route to better golf and only take 5 minutes of your day – without ever stepping on the course.
The Play Golf Free Report. The wide-open opportunity that few golfers know about. Take advantage and play free or get paid to do something you love.

So, how much does all of this cost? You’d easily pay hundreds – even thousands – for the caliber of instruction I’m going to send you.

The best thing is, you’ll always have The Easy Golf Swing System to refer to for years to come. You can’t say that about lessons - which are naturally forgotten as time passes

So when you realize you get everything you need to play extraordinary golf as well as these reports, I think it makes the decision pretty easy.

But again, you be the judge. You’ll have a full 60 days to look over everything I send you… if you don’t think it’s worth what you paid, or it’s not right for you – for any reason whatsoever (even if you hate the font style) – I’ll give you an instant refund.

 Incredible golfsense swing easy

Mega Golf Equipment Savings! Become A

Better Player And Keep More Of Your Money!

Here’s something that’s going to save you hundreds of dollars this year – and thousands over the years to come.

If you’d like own another set of clubs, various training aids, gloves, balls, even tees…I’ve put together a one-of-a-kind resource that will allow you to own these items at huge savings.
Listen carefully…

You will never have to pay retail price again for any piece of golf equipment, accessory, or clothing. In fact, you’ll even be able to cash in on discounts far below wholesale prices.

I’ll show you how to find these deals in your own community as well as online. Sure, you could do your own searches but you might find yourself in for an expensive education. It may seem like a great deal at the time…but when the item arrives, you realize you’ve been had.
I’ll show you how to avoid these disappointments and find the gems in, yes, another free report called Cheap Golf Equipment.

It’s 17 pages – each one saving you tons of money.

(Considering the money you’ll save with the Cheap Golf Equipment report – it makes the $79.00 offer a complete steal!)

You’ll also get a list of 50 trusted sites on the internet from which to buy equipment at reduced prices. I personally wouldn’t recommend buying a thing online unless you have this list.

ONE MORE THING: We live in a rapidly changing world so I have no idea when I might have to take this page down, alter the offer, and / or raise the price. That’s the reality in this economy.

However, if you respond now you can receive everything I’ve mentioned for 55% off. My wife is really upset about this at the moment but for now, it’s the way it has to be.

That’s an incredible savings and added to the risk-free period you only stand to gain by acting now. For a mere $37.00, you’ll get:

The Easy Golf Swing System. 84 pages of proven methods to achieve the perfect swing in the shortest time possible – guaranteed. Amaze yourself (and friends) with how quickly you’ll be cranking big drives with more accuracy. You will never need any other instruction – an invaluable resource that will continue to improve your game year after year.
Golf Pro Mental-Control Techniques For Automatic Golf Success: Mastering The Mental Game. These techniques are the fastest route to better golf and only take 5 minutes of your day – without ever stepping on the course.
The Play Golf Free Report. The wide-open opportunity that few golfers know about. Take advantage and play free or even get paid to do something you love! 
Cheap Golf Equipment. This report will save you thousands of dollars in golf equipment. Plus, the 50 trusted websites where you can securely buy online at big discounts.

Remember, if you’re not satisfied for any reason, I’ll give you a full, no questions asked refund.
I know you’ll agree that’s more than fair. Seeing how all the risk is on me, there’s no reason not to get this right now.

Scott Myers                     

P.S. Please remember, your free no-risk trial is exactly that - totally free to you and without any risk whatever. In fact, the only way you could incur any risk at all is by not taking me up on this offer, and depriving yourself of the greatest rounds of golf that you might ever play.

P.P.S. Now just for a second, forget about how much time & money you're going to save. Just picture yourself out on the course as you realize your now hitting the ball much further and straighter. 

Do you remember all the frustration and anger you used to feel? Now let me ask you a question. How much is it worth to you, to be able to finally rid yourself of your swing problems, and the laughter of your friends behind your back? How good will it feel next time when YOU'RE the one bragging about your low score at the end of the day?

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. This could be your last chance to take the difficulty out of golf and experience the kind of success that you truly deserve!
Don’t just do nothing, ACT NOW!
 Incredible golfsense swing easy